Darwin's first tree of life
Darwin's first tree of life
skeletons man and bird
skeletons man and bird
evolutionary tree
evolutionary tree

BioLogos - logic?

Some theologians and scientists want to reconcile the evolution-theory with the Bible - we call this theïstic evolution or evolutionary creation: it states that creation was done by evolution, God only working in the background - providentially. BioLogos is the main organization that advocates this view. Let's try to check their arguments thoroughly.

Arguments on

The scientific arguments brought in by this organisation (of mainly theistic evolutionist), aren't really different from what we find elsewhere. On this page you find an overview of their main arguments. Two of these arguments are dicussed on this page (with links to the DNA page for arguments in the field of genetics), the other arguments have links to other pages.

So let's list their main arguments:

  • Forms and structures point to common descent. Of course this can also point to common design, See the page Body plan.
  • Vestigial organs are organs which (possibly) have lost their function - this points to common descent. On the page Body plan you find the discussion of this particular argument.
  • Genetics neemt alle twijfel weg. Alle organismen gebruiken immers hetzelfde grondplan in het DNA en je kunt m.b.v. DNA een stamboom opstellen. Zie hieronder en de DNA pagina.
  • Ook vanuit de biogeografie ( de verspreiding van soorten) worden argumenten aangevoerd. Zie hieronder.
  • Fossielen laten overgangsvormen zien. Met name de evolutie van de walvis en het paard worden aangehaald. Het is goed om daar nader naar te kijken: zie pagina Fossielen.
  • Uiteraard valt er veel meer te bespreken. Zie de pagina's onder Oorsprong en de aanbevolen boeken op Bijbel en oorsprong.

What about biogeography?

Biogeography is about the distribution of species. As stated on The differences between species on islands compared to mainlands provide a compelling example of evolution.

What is the value of this argument?

  • Let's take a look at the example of the at least 56 different species of Honeycreepers on Hawaii which evolved from just one species. I say 'amen' to this: Honeycreepers belong to the same Basic Type (see also Biodiversity). Especially islands are good candidates for developing new species - and that can happen pretty quickly because already existing gene programs can be used (see more on DNA-2).
  • Plate tectonics drove the conitnents and even some islands apart - I agree on that, but use a quite different time scale (see Flood model, especially link nr. 5).
  • I also think that the evolution story doesn't give the best explanation of the distribution of species. A paper of Dominic Stratham discusses the problems and gives rafting after the Flood as a better alternative (link nr. 1). A summary is at present only available in Dutch.

Also read the other pages

See the menu above. More scientific arguments for (theistic) evolution are discussed on Body plan. Also see Origins (five sub-pages) and Strata (with sub-pages about fossils and the flood)..

For general links see the main page.


  1. Biogeography: rafting vs continental drift
  2. Also about common design - common descent?
  3. Bad design as left-overs of evolution?
  4. What about the fossil record?

Genetic removes all reasonable doubt

On this statement I do agree - but I come to a quite contrary conclusion:

  • DNA does show kinship within a Basic Type.
  • It also shows similarities in solutions for the same problem in totally different organisms: the signature of the Architect of Life.
  • It starts to get confusing if we want to produce family trees for all organisms: they differ a lot for different traits. See also DNA-2.
  • Producing new information cannot be accounted for in the evolution process: no good mechanism for macro-evolution has been found as yet.

More can be found on the Origins pages (Biodiversity and Man).

ocean currents
ocean currents
floating vegetation mat at sea
floating vegetation mat at sea